Doctor Reveals

man boobsEver wondered why you have man boobs?

If so today I”m going to reveal the real cause and the #1 reason you have man boobs, also known as Gynecomastia (gyno).

I bring this up because statistics show that this “medical condition”, is on the rise.

In fact over the past 3 decades, gynecomastia has increased by 57%1 – which is crazy if you think about it.

So if you have “gyno” – regardless of how small or big – you’re not alone because having gynecomastia is actually quite common these days

About 60% of boys get it during puberty.

37% of men in their 30’s and 40’s have it.

And a whopping 70% of men age 50 and older have it.

Hormonal Imbalances

Now, most people think the real cause of having man boobs is high estrogen.

Yes, estrogen is definitely a major problem…

However, the REAL cause is actually having low testosterone and more specifically, an imbalance in hormones – primarily between testosterone AND estrogen.

Thus, the “ratio” is more in favor of estrogens, than testosterone.

Hormonal imbalanceFor example, you can have low estrogen and still get gynecomastia, IF your testosterone is ALSO low.

So ideally you want HIGH testosterone and LOW estrogen.

Guys with gyno actually have the opposite, LOW testosterone and HIGH estrogen – the ratio is backwards.

But here’s where things get interesting and actually, really bad for guys who have man-boobs.

So listen carefully…

As your estrogen levels increase, your body tells your testicles to produce LESS testosterone.

So, that’s bad news #1

What’s worse is that the body’s natural estrogen inhibitor,… the way your body tries to naturally lower estrogen internally, ….

Is by increasing the hormone – Dihydrotestosterone, also known as DHT

Which is a primary cause of balding and excess body hair (back, shoulders, etc.)!!!

That’s bad news #2

Why You Have Man Boobs

Guys Who Have Man Boobs: 

So guys with gyno have more estrogen – more body fat, depression, etc.

High testosterone vs Low testosteroneLess testosterone – smaller muscle, lower sex drive, etc.

Higher DHT – balding, body hair, etc.

But get this, the bad news continues…

Because there’s another major hormonal imbalance typically seen with “man-boob”!

Guys — higher levels of the stress hormone, Cortisol.stress hormone cortisol

Which further DECREASES testosterone levels even more, causing an even HIGHER ratio of estrogen, so on and so forth.

That’s bad news #3

So the bad news keeps getting worse.

The negative hormonal imbalances cause even bigger imbalances as you age and also as you get fatter.

Estrogen and excess body fatWhich is further enhanced BY the hormonal imbalances.

Simply stated, you’re kinda “screwed”.

Which explains why it’s so much harder for you to
gain muscle or lose fat.

Why your sex drive keeps going lower.

Not to mention why you lose more and more muscle every year.

Basically, your aging and getting older, at a FASTER rate.

So listen… I can go on and on about this topic because it also causes higher cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, erectile problems, etc., etc.

But by now I hope you get the point.

So, let’s QUICKLY talk about solutions.

Solutions To Get Rid of Man Boobs

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs:

So we now know that getting man boobs (gyno) comes from high estrogen, low-t, cortisol, etc.

So the obvious question is, how do you get rid of man boobs?! 

Surgery For Getting Rid Of Man Boobs:

Well the obvious and first answer is of course surgery.

experienced doctor for gyno surgerySome people need to have surgery to remove the gyno.

This is fine, especially if yours is big.

Make sure you find an EXPERIENCED doctor who has done this surgery dozens and hundreds of times.

However, regardless of the surgery, you still MUST improve your hormonal imbalance – which includes 3-4 solutions:

Reduce Estrogen/Female Hormones

First, you need to reduce your estrogen levels.

This is done by losing Fat!

This is because fat cells increase estrogen levels.

Eat Better

I know this might sound simple BUT believe me it’s NOT as easy as you might think and i talk from experience!


healthy fats for losing man boobsBecause lots of foods increase estrogen such as soy products and animal protein, primarily because of all the hormones in the foods.

For example, chicks eat soy products and that gets into the chicken and then into you.

Even the “organic, free range” junk!

So you need to eat more vegetables and healthy fatssuch as coconut, nuts, seeds, avocados and so forth.

Increase Testosterone

To get rid of puffy nipples, aka (man boobs).

You HAVE to find a NATURAL way to increase your testosterone!

Doing this is crucial and will help you on your road to getting rid of those man boobs!

The other solutions to help you get rid of man boobs are as follow, not in any specific order.

Lift Weights
No Intense, Long Duration Cardio
Eat Fats
Sleep Better
Take Specific, Clinically Proven, “Hormone Balancing” Supplements

For more information on a Clinically, PROVEN Hormone Balancing Solution.

Click The Link BELOW

Discover how YOU can Safely and Naturally:

— Increase Sex Drive and Performance
— Naturally Build Muscle/Strength
— Safely Boost Testosterone

NO prescription! NO drugs! NO side-effects!

Safely boost your hormone levels like they were ten years ago,
without the harmful side-effects of the prescription drugs!

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